Our Suffering Country: Part Two

Our Libidinous Life Force

I am very worried at our being distracted from what is painfully imminent. We distract ourselves with the urgent immediacy of jobs, Xmas, endless coffee, Facebook and Instagram, and shopping to the sound of muzak. This latter is no small thing. It’s a numbing of our senses, a repressing of our libidinous life force. We do not think, we do not have to think about what we need, we are compelled to buy with no satisfaction guaranteed. We always need more - of every thing. We succumb to entertainment through all forms of media. We imbibe prejudice, hatred and ignorance at every utterance laced through the community via all forms of media. We succumb to the seduction of a ‘simple life’, when no life is simple.

Have we allowed our libido to be stolen? In the long cultural process of domesticating us have we sacrificed desire for life? We are, paradoxically, living more safely, yet more dangerously teetering on the edge of existence? In relinquishing desire have we accepted safety and certainty? When in fact there is no certainty and in embracing this dynamic realisation we invite complexity and the retrieval of a passionately lived life. With this more tenuous reality we may just begin to feel alive. Complexity is what made us and complexity offers us daily, the opportunity to transform, reconfigure and renew our ways of living and loving.

There is communion between the breath of the day and the space of the body.